Episode 2 – “Law”
Today we are going to talk about the Law and being a lawyer. Our guest is Matija Suklje. We’ll go through what law actually is and means, how the law differs between states and regions, we’ll have a look at the taxonomy of law, how a lawyer’s work actually looks like and whether TV shows are portraiting it correctly. We’ll close the show talking about law in internet contexts and a few hints on
how to find a good lawyer. Running time is about 1 hour 55 minutes.
The interview was made via VoIP and there are a few weird noises in there as well as some extra typing noises (next time I’ll make sure that that doesn’t happen again ;)), I apologize for that, will do better next time (I just needed to figure the whole thing out so there are rough edges obviously). Apart from that it has been a great show, if questions emerge, just post them in the comments so Matija can try answering them.
Another thing. At wiki.monkeycode.org you can suggest new show topics and/or contact people. Poke around there and see what you might have to add, cause this thing is a cooperation between all of us :).
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The Show’s theme music is “Ambition” by Professor Kliq
(Download it here)